I'll start with you Meowsers, how'd you find your way to NAHS?
Hi there Cinder! Well, I was transferred to NAHS from another shelter who found me when I was just a kitten. Because I'm a little black kitty, a lot of people over look me and choose somebody with flashier colors or a little younger. I hope somebody comes to take me home soon, because I love people! Plus I'm the perfect size (I'm a bit petite) and I'm only a year old!
What kind of family would you like, Meowsers?
Well, I can be a little bit shy with new people, so a home on the quieter side would be nice. I've never lived with kids, but I think I would like to as long as they aren't very tiny. I hear school age kids would be perfect for me! I don't mind other cats (obviously, since I spend so much time with you and Arnold) and so far, I think most dogs are okay. Really, I'm just hoping for a calm, loving family who give me lots of attention and be patient with me while I'm settling in. Oh, and the sooner they can adopt me, the better - I'm getting tired of being confused with the t
wo of you!

Thanks, Meowsers. Let's move on to Arnold Pawmer for a moment. Arnold, what brings you to NAHS?
It's kind of a painful story for me, but because we're such good friends, I don't mind telling you. I lived with a great family for seven years. They gave me lots of love, and spoiled me with snuggly beds and an occasional cat nip treat. Then my family had to move and couldn't take me with. They knew NAHS would work hard to find me a new family, so they made the tough decision to bring me here. I like it here at the shelter, but I do miss living in a real home.
Do you have any preferences for a new family?
Well, if they were golf fans, that would be a big plus, but I like all people, even those who don't golf! I enjoy the company of other cats and don't mind calm dogs. I also like kids, as long as they don't poke me or pull on my tail. Like Meowsers, I'm hoping kids in my new family are a little bit older and not rough players. Most importantly, I just want a family that will love me and give me a sunny window to enjoy!
Thanks, friends, I hope a lot of readers will come in soon to visit all of us.
Don't forget, Arnold Pawmer, Meowsers, and me (Cinder) all live in the NAHS lobby and spend our days helping with various office tasks. You can visit us anytime!