Hello. My name is Prowler, but you can refer to me as Sir Prowler. Or Prince Prowler. Believe it or not, I have been here at NAHS for 170 days! I finally got bored of all the playing, lounging in the sun and talking about dinner, so I've decided to chronicle my adventures here at NAHS and introduce you to all the wonderful animals, people and events that are part of the organization.
But let's be honest, the real reason I wanted to start this blog was so you would be amazed at my personality and come in to adopt me. Don't worry, I've already made arrangements for someone to carry on in my place once I've found my forever home. Which I'm hoping is soon.
So let me tell you all about myself. I'm two years old and came here as a stray. I'm not going to lie, I'm a big guy. The last time they weighed me, I tipped the scales at 19 1/2 pounds. The girls here noticed I had a big belly, so they made me go to the vet to make sure I was okay. Sure enough, after all sorts of medical goobly-gook the vet just said I was a hefty boy! I could have told them that from the start! Silly girls...
My favorite things to do is eat. I love food! Every morning I sing until they bring me breakfast. After the ordeal at the vet, they started giving me fancy canned food. Boy, do I love it! I get half a can in the morning and then around 3 o'clock I start telling people it's my snack time. Pretty soon, somebody gives in and gives me the other half of a can. I know I may sound spoiled, but I am awfully handsome, so I get away with it.
When I'm not eating, or talking about eating, I like to greet people here in the lobby at NAHS. I also enjoy lounging in the sun and every now and then I'll play with my buddies, Cinder and Butters. I have to be careful not too look too bored, because then the staff here will dress me up. Seriously. Just look at the bumble bee picture. I'm embarrassed to post it, but I'm hoping it will encourage you to come in here and rescue me from any further humiliation.