Friday, December 11, 2009
In the mood for pancakes?

Thursday, December 10, 2009
Meet Abby!

Hello again, fans! Mallie Boo here again, broadcasting live from NAHS, and bringing you the latest and greatest in adoptable dogs. And don't forget, even though I love blogging, what I'm really hoping for is a home to call my own! For today's interview, I went to one of the most fun girls I know, Abby! Abby is a six year old Chow Chow mix who has been here at the shelter for two months. I hope you enjoy my interview, with this year's most pupular socialite, Abby!
How did such a fun, carefree girl like yourself find herself at the shelter?
Hey, Mallie Boo, how are you? I came to NAHS when my family didn't have time for me anymore. As you know, I love to play, and enjoy staying fit and active. My family had a human baby, and they just couldn't find the extra time to spend with me. They knew that if they brought me to NAHS, I would be able to find a home that wouldn't mind spoiling me and spending lots of time with me.
What's your favorite thing about NAHS?
There are so many things I like about NAHS! The volunteers here spend lots of time giving me treats, and taking me on long walks. I also like getting to meet new people and showing everyone how well behaved I am. Sometimes I even get to sleep in the kitchen so I have extra room to stretch my legs and play all night!!
I know you have fun here, but I'm sure you'd prefer a real home. What kind of family are you looking for?
I love people and I'm not too picky! I've lived with kids before, but the real little ones might be intimidated by my size (I've got long legs like a model)! I enjoy most other dogs, especially if they have the same play style as me. I don't even mind cats. Sometimes if kitties run, I like to chase them, but the lazy cat type and me get along just fabulously! The most important thing to me is to find a home with a lot of love.
Thanks for taking the time to talk with me, Abby. I hope both of us find a forever family soon. Anyone who's interested can stop by when NAHS is open for adoptions, or give the staff a call at 630-420-8989.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Meet Emma!

Hello again, friends! Mallie Boo here. I hope everyone is having a fabulous Halloween! I wanted to interview one of my very favorite kitties for you this week. Emma has been here at NAHS for several months. She's five years old, and was transferred to us from another shelter. Emma is a little shy, like me, but I think when the right family comes to adopt her, she'll open up and be quite affectionate.
Hello Emma! How is this Halloween going for you?
It's going well. It's been pretty quiet here at the shelter. I think all the kids must be off trick-or-treating! I was going to dress up like a pirate, but I decided I would rather just snuggle up in my bed and take a nap.
I know you're looking for a family, just like me. What kind of family would you like?
Well, as you mentioned, I'm kind of shy. I like snuggling up in a cozy bed and napping my day away, so a quiet and calm house would be be great. Any kids that are loud and boisterous would probably intimidate me. What would be best for me would be a nice quiet home where I can take long cat naps in the sunshine.
What's your favorite part of NAHS?
Oh, there are so many things here that are quite nice. The volunteers will come in and pet me. That makes me feel relaxed and I really enjoy the love they give me. I also enjoy the soft cozy blankets people give me. I don't mind being here at the shelter, but I really can't wait to find a home of my own.
Thanks for talking with me, Emma. I hear some visitors coming in! Do you think they'll fall in love with me or you? I hope they find the perfect kitty for their household.
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Mallie Boo Takes Over and Interviews Harley

Hello friends! Well, the votes were tallied and it was a tie! But Pookah has been feeling under the weather, so Mallie Boo will be writing the blog! You guys can read all about me from when Lenny interviewed me. I'm still a little nervous and shy, but I'm hoping taking over the blog will help me come out of my shell. The pick for my first interview was easy. I picked Harley, because he's cute. Well, to be honest, I picked him because he is blind and I thought that wouldn't be too intimidating for my first cover piece. So here goes!
So Harley, how did you find youself here at NAHS?
Great question, Mallie Boo, and thanks for taking time to talk to me! I had a family for nine years, but they've been through some changes in the past year. They had three kids, and two of those kids had special needs. My family really loved me, but they were so busy they couldn't pay a lot of attention to me. As the kids got bigger, they wanted to play with me but I would be scared because I couldn't see them coming. In the end, my family thought they would give me a chance to find someone with the time to snuggle me, and I sure hope they're right. Everyone here at NAHS is nice to me and makes sure I feel safe and comfortable, but I do get lonely for a family to call my own.
What kind of family are you looking for?
Well, I love all sorts of people! I think the perfect family would be somebody patient while I learn the layout of my new home. I'm used to bumping into walls and it doesn't bother me, but it might be a little scary for my new people to watch! I would also like to either be an only dog or have a dog that will be patient and understanding of my disability. I still love to play and snuggle, so a family with a big heart is most important.
What sorts of things do you like to do in your free time?
I keep busy, that's for sure! I love to take naps, eat yummy food, play with my people, get attention from volunteers, and squeak my squeaky toys. Some folks think that I've slowed down because of my age, but that's not neccessarily the case. I'm not as active as most other Jack Russels but I still love to go on walks and play. I think I'll be around for a long time to come!
Thanks for the interview! It wasn't as scary as I thought it might be! I hope you get a home soon, Harley! Be seeing you!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
A friendly reminder!

Did you get your tickets to the Black Cat Ball yet? It's only 1 week away and tickets are still available. Join us at Meson Sabika for an evening of cocktails, dinner, auction and live entertainment.
Don’t miss a moment of the magic at the event of the year! Savvy sponsors include PETCO Foundation, Navistar, and Exelon. Learn more about the sponsorship opportunities ava
ilable. Special thanks to Two Bostons Pet Boutique & Gourmet Bakery who will be once again donating custom designed gourmet dog treats for each guest. Tickets are only $160 per person. (You’ll be barkin’ mad if you miss it!) And all of the proceeds benefit the coolest cats and most diggin’ dogs in town at the Naperville Area Humane Society. Visit our website for more info: http://www.napervillehumanesociety.org/events_gala.cfm

Wednesday, October 21, 2009
More good news!
The staff at NAHS is super excited to tell you that Lenny found his forever home. He went to a great family and even has a new doggie sibling to play with.
We're currently scouting out a new writer for the blog. Lots of kitties are interested. Pookah says she gets the inside scoop by hanging out at the front desk but Mallie Boo says she's been here longer and knows the ins and outs.
One of the kitties will start blogging soon, but first they've got to figure out who's top cat around here! Keep on the look out for our new blogger soon!
We're currently scouting out a new writer for the blog. Lots of kitties are interested. Pookah says she gets the inside scoop by hanging out at the front desk but Mallie Boo says she's been here longer and knows the ins and outs.
One of the kitties will start blogging soon, but first they've got to figure out who's top cat around here! Keep on the look out for our new blogger soon!
Friday, October 16, 2009
Good news!
Humphrey was adopted last night! I'll be on the lookout for a new interviewee soon and hope all you fans have a great weekend!
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Did you know we have a lion?
Hello again, pals! Lenny here. I decided it was about time to interview another one of my friends waiting to find a forever family. When I first met this guy, I was sure we had a miniature lion on our hands. After some discussion, Humphrey finally convinced me he was just a very handsome Domestic Longhair. I'll admit, I'm not 100% convinced that he doesn't share some DNA with the king of jungle, but I'll let you decide for yourself.
Humphrey, I've noticed you're a bit bigger than most of the cats here, do you love to eat? Well, Lenny, I noticed at a young age that I was larger than the other kittens, but I just seemed to have grown quicker than most of my buddies. Sure, I enjoy a good meal just as much as the next cat, but I'm not overweight. I just happen to be a large cat!
What kind of things do you like to do in your free time?
What's your favorite part of staying here at NAHS?
Humphrey, I've noticed you're a bit bigger than most of the cats here, do you love to eat? Well, Lenny, I noticed at a young age that I was larger than the other kittens, but I just seemed to have grown quicker than most of my buddies. Sure, I enjoy a good meal just as much as the next cat, but I'm not overweight. I just happen to be a large cat!
How did you end up here at NAHS? I had a really nice family that loved me very much, but they had to move and their new apartment didn't allow kitties. They were smart and brought me here to NAHS because they knew the girls here would spoil me until I could find another family that would love me as much as they did.
What kind of things do you like to do in your free time?
I'm a pretty laid back guy. I enjoy napping, reading long and boring books and getting snuggled. The perfect family for me would also have a laid back lifestyle. Need someone to keep your side of the bed warm while you're gone? Then I'm your guy!
What's your favorite part of staying here at NAHS?
The staff and volunteers here are very nice. They make sure I get time out of my cage to snuggle with people and they also make sure I get lots of treats and toys. I also love it when people come in to find a cat to welcome into their family. Sometimes I get a little sad when I watch my friends get adopted, but I know that the perfect family is out there, and if I'm patient they'll come adopt me in no time!
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Lenny has a very important question....
Hello, friends! It's me, Lenny again. And I was hoping you'd help me out with something. I have a very important question I'd like to ask a lovely lady but I'm feeling a little bit nervous. I know if you guys are here, backing me up, I'll have the nerve to do it! See, NAHS has a big event coming up, The Black Cat Ball. Not only is it a beautiful event, but it also supports NAHS and helps cats and dogs like me get adopted! I know I'd like to go, but I need a date. And I've got my eyes on Bessie. She's a five year old American Pit Bull Terrier mix who is here waiting for a family like me. Wish me luck!

So, Bess, um, how are you today?
Hi, Lenny! I'm good...how are you?
Well, to be honest, I'm a little nervous.
Why, Lenny? I've never seen you nervous before?

Um, see, you and I have been spending a lot of time together here at NAHS. And I really enjoy being with you, you're such a nice dog and all. So, I was wondering, if you're not already busy or anything, if you'd like to go to a special event with me on October 30th?
Is it the Black Cat Ball at Meson Sabika!? I thought you'd never ask! You know how much I love fine dining and auctions!
Oh, Bess, I'm so glad you want to go! I've been hoping and wishing you'd say yes! Did you know it's the largest fundraiser of the year for NAHS?
How could I say no!? Don't you know what a big Michael Heaton Band fan I am? Now I need to figure out what I'm going to wear!
Well, Celeste, our office manager, told me it's black tie optional. My friend Captain Jack lent me a sweet bow tie to wear! I'm going to call the shelter right now to buy our tickets! I hope lots of blog readers will too!
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Meet Lenny and Mallie Boo!

So, Mallie Boo, how did you end across the hall from me?
Well Lenny, somehow I got away from my previous family and ended up as a stray on the streets of Naperville. The nice people at Animal Control found me and transferred me here to NAHS in hopes of finding my forever home.

I've been here for 5 months and I'm not sure why. I am a little bit more reserved than some other kitties who've gone home faster. I know there's a wonderful family who wants to take a chance on a shy kitty like me. It takes a while for me to warm up to someone but I know I will make a great companion cat.
What kind of things do you like to do in your free time?
I'm a big people watcher! I like lounging around and watching reality tv but my favorite tv show is Beverly Hills 90210 since it takes place near my namesake, Malibu! I hope to have my own reality show one day!
Thanks, Mallie Boo, I sure do hope this interview helps you get adopted!
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Office Kitties
Hello again, fans! Cinder here again. While I was lounging on a desk, thinking about how I should interview for my next post, two of my good friends came over to see what I was doing. I seized the opportunity to interview my fellow office mates, Arnold Pawmer and Meowsers. When I'm not too busy being a reporter, the three of us enjoy spending lazy afternoons lounging in the sun and greeting potential adopters. I hope you enjoy my first dual interview with Meowsers and Arnold Pawmer!

I'll start with you Meowsers, how'd you find your way to NAHS?

I'll start with you Meowsers, how'd you find your way to NAHS?
Hi there Cinder! Well, I was transferred to NAHS from another shelter who found me when I was just a kitten. Because I'm a little black kitty, a lot of people over look me and choose somebody with flashier colors or a little younger. I hope somebody comes to take me home soon, because I love people! Plus I'm the perfect size (I'm a bit petite) and I'm only a year old!
What kind of family would you like, Meowsers?
Well, I can be a little bit shy with new people, so a home on the quieter side would be nice. I've never lived with kids, but I think I would like to as long as they aren't very tiny. I hear school age kids would be perfect for me! I don't mind other cats (obviously, since I spend so much time with you and Arnold) and so far, I think most dogs are okay. Really, I'm just hoping for a calm, loving family who give me lots of attention and be patient with me while I'm settling in. Oh, and the sooner they can adopt me, the better - I'm getting tired of being confused with the t
wo of you!

Thanks, Meowsers. Let's move on to Arnold Pawmer for a moment. Arnold, what brings you to NAHS?
It's kind of a painful story for me, but because we're such good friends, I don't mind telling you. I lived with a great family for seven years. They gave me lots of love, and spoiled me with snuggly beds and an occasional cat nip treat. Then my family had to move and couldn't take me with. They knew NAHS would work hard to find me a new family, so they made the tough decision to bring me here. I like it here at the shelter, but I do miss living in a real home.
Do you have any preferences for a new family?
Well, if they were golf fans, that would be a big plus, but I like all people, even those who don't golf! I enjoy the company of other cats and don't mind calm dogs. I also like kids, as long as they don't poke me or pull on my tail. Like Meowsers, I'm hoping kids in my new family are a little bit older and not rough players. Most importantly, I just want a family that will love me and give me a sunny window to enjoy!
Thanks, friends, I hope a lot of readers will come in soon to visit all of us.
Don't forget, Arnold Pawmer, Meowsers, and me (Cinder) all live in the NAHS lobby and spend our days helping with various office tasks. You can visit us anytime!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Feline Frenzy!
Hi, it's me Cinder again!
Kitten season is in full swing at NAHS! I'd like to tell you about our new promotion called Feline Frenzy. Until July 31, an approved adopter can take home any pair of kittens for $175, which is the normal adoption fee for just one kitten.
The adoption room is full of kittens, plus more in our foster homes and on our waiting list. Hopefully Feline Frenzy will encourage those thinking about adopting to actually pursue it!
Kittens are a lot of work but bring so much love to your home! Check out two NAHS alumni who recently found homes of their own:
At NAHS all kittens have received an initial vet exam, age-appropriate vaccinations, and a microchip. The kittens are FeLV/FIV negative and are spayed or neutered before going home.
Visit our website for more information on adopting!
Kitten season is in full swing at NAHS! I'd like to tell you about our new promotion called Feline Frenzy. Until July 31, an approved adopter can take home any pair of kittens for $175, which is the normal adoption fee for just one kitten.
The adoption room is full of kittens, plus more in our foster homes and on our waiting list. Hopefully Feline Frenzy will encourage those thinking about adopting to actually pursue it!
Kittens are a lot of work but bring so much love to your home! Check out two NAHS alumni who recently found homes of their own:
At NAHS all kittens have received an initial vet exam, age-appropriate vaccinations, and a microchip. The kittens are FeLV/FIV negative and are spayed or neutered before going home.
Visit our website for more information on adopting!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Chips Takes On the Big Apple
The staff and animals at NAHS are happy to announce that Chips has gone off to New York! A great group of animal lovers who are part of Catahoula Rescue, Inc offered to take Chips under their wing and find him a Catahoula loving family. Jennifer Cotner, the NAHS Lead Animal Care Technician, drove six hours to meet a representative from Catahoula Rescue in Ohio. From there, Chips headed off to New York. We're hoping he sends us an update soon, but it sounds like he may be having too much fun playing with his new Catahoula buddies to write. Good luck, Chips! We're happy for your new opportunity but we can't help but miss your goofy antics here!
The picture is of Jen saying good-bye to Chips before sending him off on his great adventure.
Friday, May 22, 2009

Toby came to NAHS on May 12th and has been living it up ever since. He's a 4 year old white and brown American Staffordshire Terrier mix who loves to play. He was brought to the shelter because he was too active for his family and they thought he would do better with a family that had more time for him. He sure does love to play, but he's full of love and enjoys the company of people and his lady dog friends.
So, without further ado, let's meet Toby!
Tell us, Toby, what do you think of being at NAHS?
Well, everyone is really nice to me here. They walk me, feed me, pet me, give me treats and let me play with other dogs. I feel very well taken of. It's nice and all but I'm really looking forward to being in a home environment and relaxing. It's really no place for a snuggly, wiggly guy like me.
What kind of home would you like to find yourself in?
Well I can live with other dogs but I'm only a fan of female dogs. I'm quite the ladies man. No cats for me tho. I can also live with older kids over the age of 12. I'm very active so I'll need someone to keep up with me. I love laying on a couch. I'm very excited when my family comes home. I love walks and I'm a huge fan of car rides.
I hear you enjoy playtime with some of the other dogs here. Tell us about your canine friends at NAHS!
Like I said, I'm a huge fan of the ladies! One of my favorite playmates was Wilma who was adopted last week. I love running and playing in the outdoor run with them. We have a blast!
If you could be any animal besides a dog, what would you be and why?
Since I love being so active, I think I'd love to be monkey in the jungle!
Thanks for the interview, Toby. I hope it helps you find a forever home fast, now let's get back to these waffles!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Chips Ahoy!

Hi! I'm Chips! Do I look familiar? Maybe it's because I was profiled on the blog a few weeks ago. As you may have heard, our resident reporter cat Prowler was adopted by a wonderful family last week. It was a whirlwind departure and right before he left, he text messaged me to ask me if I'd take over for him as the blog reporter. "Oui, tout à fait!," I replied. (Yes, I speak French.) He gave me a crash-course on how to use the internet so here I am blogging on his behalf.
As my first assignment, I'd like to introduce you to my pal Bentley. He's a suave 1 year old tabby cat who's been here for 3 months. We met over a late lunch on a drizzly spring afternoon. He ordered the Salmon and Egg Soufflé with Pacific Shrimp and Garden Greens. I opted for a Gourmet Beef Entrée with Potatoes and Rice. Over lunch and water, we chatted it up about our backgrounds, the shelter life and how awesome I look in my reporter uniform.
Bentley. Tell me. How did you end up at NAHS?
I have no idea how I ended up at NAHS! One day I was in a warm, snuggly home and then the next thing I remember is wandering around the cold streets of Naperville, looking for my family. Luckily the lovely ladies from Naperville Animal Control took me in and kept me safe and warm. When they felt confident my family wasn't coming for me, they sent me over here to NAHS where I have been meowing for playtime ever since!
Where do you see yourself in 6 months?
Well, I either see myself as an extreme BMX biker and/or skateboarder but if that doesn't happen, I really want to find myself a family to call my own. I'd love a home that I can explore, chase dust bunnies and romp around in. As I'm sure you can tell, I have a lot of energy and I need to find a way to get it all out!

There is no "typical" day in the life of a cat like me! I look for fun and adventure in everything I do. I suppose you can assume that at any given time I'm trying to decide what I can play with, what trouble I can get into, and how I can charm the people around me into not getting mad!
At this point we toasted waters and ordered treats for dessert...
What kind of family are you looking for?
I am looking for a family that can keep up with me! I'll be honest, I'm not a cuddle in your lap and purr kind of kitty, I'm a crawl up your leg and play with your hair kind of guy! I absolutely love to play and explore. I need a family that will appreciate my independence and won't take it personally when I give a little 'love bite' to let you know I'm through with being petted. Any kids in my new home should be a little older, like I said, I prefer to play rough. And I'm awfully picky about being friends with other animals, so I just might do best in a one pet sort of place.
Finally, don't I look awesome in my reporter uniform?
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Congratulations to Nugget!
Chips, along with the staff and volunteers from NAHS, is happy to announce that Nugget was adopted today and has gone to live in his forever home. We will always remember him as the first interview on 'Prowler's Ponderings', but we couldn't be happier that he has gone to a wonderful, loving home. Keep in touch, Nugget!
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Oh Happy Day!
The staff and volunteers at NAHS are thrilled to announce that the one and only Prowler has found a forever home. He is currently getting settled into his new home, and although we couldn't be happier for him, we do miss his morning and tea-time "singing".
Since Prowler is too busy being spoiled and training his new family on when to feed him, he's left the blog in the capable hands of one of our favorite dogs, Chips. For more information about Chips, please read his interview below. The blog won't be changing names, as we would like to always honor Prowler as the founder of "Prowler's Ponderings".
Since Prowler is too busy being spoiled and training his new family on when to feed him, he's left the blog in the capable hands of one of our favorite dogs, Chips. For more information about Chips, please read his interview below. The blog won't be changing names, as we would like to always honor Prowler as the founder of "Prowler's Ponderings".
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Meet Rose

This week I wanted to interview one of the sweetest ladies I've ever met. Rose has been here just over 200 days. She came in with five little kittens who have all been adopted and now she is waiting to find a forever home of her own. Please enjoy my first ever interview with a local super model.
So, Rose, how did you find your way to NAHS?
Hi Prowler. Well, last year, I was a stray kitty on the mean streets of Bolingbrook. I started hiding under someone's house and on Labor Day, I had a litter of 5 kittens! The nice people who found me brought me here to the shelter. I went into a foster home with my kittens for a few weeks and then I made my way back to the shelter to go up for adoption. I've been here since October and I'm still waiting for the right family to rescue me!
In your opinion, what is the right family for you?
I'm hoping for someone who will take very good care of me. I'm very snuggly and sweet. I'd love to hang out with my new family and watch tv. I've lived with kids before and I'm very gentle and tolerant.
What's your favorite thing about NAHS?
The staff and volunteers are very nice to me! They take very good care of me! I get treats, brushed frequently and lots of snuggling! I don't want to like it too much though, because I'm hoping to go to a nice home soon!
If an actress was going to play you in a movie about your life, which actress would get the role?
Hmm...I think Kate Winslet. She would best portray my struggle as a stray cat, then a single mom and a sweet shelter kitty.
Thanks so much for taking the time to talk to me, Rose. I hope this helps you find a forever home quickly. I know any family that is lucky enough to adopt you is sure to have a wonderful new companion.
PS From Prowler : Good news! Shortly after posting our blog, a fabulous couple came into NAHS and decided to welcome Rose into their home. Although I was sad to see her go, I am so extremely happy that she has found a forever home.
PS From Prowler : Good news! Shortly after posting our blog, a fabulous couple came into NAHS and decided to welcome Rose into their home. Although I was sad to see her go, I am so extremely happy that she has found a forever home.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
30th Anniversary Reception
I had to hold down the fort here at NAHS on Tuesday, April 14th while the staff, board members, volunteers and supports of the Naperville Area Humane Society went to enjoy a reception in honor of 30 great years!
But luckily Mark Hartman, one of our volunteers and a great photographer, was there to take pictures, so enjoy!
These amazing looking cupcakes were generously donated by Sugar Monkey, a fabulous cupcake bakery here in Naperville. And let me tell you, these cupcakes taste even better than they look. One of the staff here innocently sat down with a delicious cupcake next to her, I snuck up to her and tried to steal it. I cannot get enough of Sugar Monkey cupcakes! I know they're not made for cats, but I definitely consider myself their biggest fan (The cookies n' cream variety is my favorite).

But there wasn't just treats there for our human friends! The best place to shop for your favorite furry friends is Two Bostons Pet Boutique and Gourmet Bakery. Not only do they offer a ton of support to NAHS, but they have a great selection of quality goods in their two Naperville stores. They donated all these super tasty dog treats. I've heard dogs love them!

This cute couple is AdreAnne and Andy, the Two Boston owners. They named their store after their two adopted Boston Terriers.

Everyone who came to the event was greeted by these two smiling faces. I'd like to introduce you to two of the lovely ladies who take care of me. On the left is Kelley White, the NAHS Office Manager. On the right is Becky Wyatt, our Volunteer Coordinator. Not only are they awesome at their jobs, they also make sure I have food and give me a lot of attention. Thank goodness they're around to take care of me until I find a forever home!
And now I'd like to introduce some of our fabulous volunteers : First is Sue Brunner and her husband, Bob. Next is Celeste and Tom Wasz. And last, but certainly not least, is Jodi Bender and her husband. NAHS would be lost without them and all the other fabulous volunteers who donate their time here.

But luckily Mark Hartman, one of our volunteers and a great photographer, was there to take pictures, so enjoy!
But there wasn't just treats there for our human friends! The best place to shop for your favorite furry friends is Two Bostons Pet Boutique and Gourmet Bakery. Not only do they offer a ton of support to NAHS, but they have a great selection of quality goods in their two Naperville stores. They donated all these super tasty dog treats. I've heard dogs love them!
This cute couple is AdreAnne and Andy, the Two Boston owners. They named their store after their two adopted Boston Terriers.
Everyone who came to the event was greeted by these two smiling faces. I'd like to introduce you to two of the lovely ladies who take care of me. On the left is Kelley White, the NAHS Office Manager. On the right is Becky Wyatt, our Volunteer Coordinator. Not only are they awesome at their jobs, they also make sure I have food and give me a lot of attention. Thank goodness they're around to take care of me until I find a forever home!
And now I'd like to introduce some of our fabulous volunteers : First is Sue Brunner and her husband, Bob. Next is Celeste and Tom Wasz. And last, but certainly not least, is Jodi Bender and her husband. NAHS would be lost without them and all the other fabulous volunteers who donate their time here.

Friday, April 17, 2009
Breaking the Chain

Kids, this is your chance to show off your story telling talents! This contest is open to all 3rd thru 5th grade students. It has been endorsed locally by the Mayor of Naperville, George Pradel and the Naperville Animal Control Department. The national non-profit organization, Dogs Deserve Better, which is dedicated to advocating on behalf of chained and penned dogs, has also fully endorsed our contest.
The winner of this contest will receive a day with the staff at the Naperville Area Humane Society. They will be able to go “behind the scenes”, have lunch and enjoy a day with the shelter animals. The winning entry will also be posted on our website and a press release will go out to our local newspapers.
Read the story here. Feel free to send along a picture to help tell your story. Contest entries will be accepted until May 1, 2009. The winner will be announced during Be Kind to Animals Week, which is the week of May 4, 2009. Entries will be judged based upon creativity and the humane values expressed in the story.
Be sure to include your name, address, school name and grade along with your phone number. Mail entries to: Naperville Area Humane Society, Attn: Terri Hancock, 1620 W. Diehl Road, Naperville, IL 60563.
Contact Terri, Humane Education Manager, with any questions (630) 420-8989 x17.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Hello again, friends! I was a little bored today so I wanted to interview somebody who I knew was full of fun. Chips is a great dog who has been here at the shelter for 60 days. If you ask me, the only reason such a lovable dog is still here at NAHS is because he is very energetic and needs a super active family who isn't intimidated by his playful nature. Sure, he loves to run, but there just has to be a family out there that can keep up!
Chips, I know you're quite a catch, but what can you tell potential adopters about yourself?
There is so much I'd like people to know about me! I'm just about a year old and I'm a Catahoula Leopard Dog. Pronounced cat-a-hula, my breed is the state dog for Louisiana, and I hear we're quite popular in the southern part of the USA. Dogs like me were bred for hunting black bears, wild boars and other large game. I've also been told that we can be highly intelligent so I would love a family that would take me to obedience classes. I can learn very quickly! But don't get me wrong, even though I'm active and smart, I'm also very affectionate. I am a staff and volunteer favorite here at NAHS because I love to play and give hugs and kisses.
What kind of family are you looking for?
One that will love me! And play with me! And give me lots of toys! I'm not too picky, I love just about everyone. Kids in my new home should probably a little bit bigger because I'm a big guy. I would never try to hurt one of my friends, but my size can sometimes make it seem like I play a little rough. I probably shouldn't be left alone full time because I am awfully smart and I will look for any way to keep myself entertained! I also love to play with other dogs and wouldn't mind living with another playful dog like myself. The one thing I really shouldn't be around is cats. I think they're great, so great that I just wouldn't be able to resist chasing them all day!
What's your favorite thing about being here at NAHS?
Great question! There are so many things I like here at the humane society. Some volunteers will come and take me on long walks through the forest preserve. I even got to walk in the Naperville St. Patricks Day Parade with my friend and NAHS volunteer, Ken Moore! I also like how the staff and volunteers are always trying to find ways to keep me entertained in my kennel. They make me doggie pinatas and give me frozen Kongs. I also love to play in the dog run with my buddy, Timby, who's a great black lab looking for a home too. Although I do have a lot of fun here, I can't help but hope to find a family to call my own.
I hope you folks come in and meet Chips soon. A dog like him would be a great addition for the right family.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Meet Nugget!
While waiting for my perfect family to come in and adopt me, I've been putting my free time to good use and interviewing some of my fabulous feline and canine friends. You would not believe how many great cats and dogs are here! It is really something you need to come in and witness for yourself.
For my first interview, I just knew I had to go to my good friend, Nugget. Nugget has been here at NAHS for a shocking 190 days. No one can figure out why, given that he is extremely affectionate and devastatingly handsome. Unfortunately, Nugget just might have fallen prey to the dreaded 'Black Cat Syndrome', where an otherwise completely perfect companion gets passed solely because he is, indeed, a black cat. Black cats (and dogs) are often long time residents here at NAHS. But don't let the 'bad luck' notion fool you! Proud owners of black kitties often swear that their cats make up for not having a flashy coat by dazzling everyone with great personalities. Nugget is no exception, he is a great cat, and although I would be sad to see him go, my goal is to help him find a loving home where he can bring smiles and laughs to his new family.
Without further delay, enjoy my interview with Nugget:
So, Nugget, what brings you here to NAHS?
I came here to NAHS on October 1, 2008. Before that I was stuck in stray holding over at the Naperville Animal Control. Sure, the girls there were super nice, but what I really wanted was a chance to find a forever home. After spending a week snuggling and winning over all the great animal control officers, they finally gave in and brought me over here. I've been enjoying my time here, but it really can't compare to being in a home.
You mention finding a home quite a bit, can you tell me what you're looking for in a new family?
Honestly, I'd probably do great just about anywhere. I enjoyed a stay up here in the NAHS lobby for bit and got along with the other cats and didn't mind most of the dogs that came in to visit. I also enjoy snuggling and playing with most people, but sometimes real little kids can make me feel a tiny bit nervous. What's most important to me is just to find a home where someone will love me, spoil me and keep me inside! I really don't want to be thrown to the streets again!
It sounds like you're not too picky, what can you tell potential adopters about yourself?
Well, without sounding too conceited, I really am a great catch. If you're looking for an affectionate cat, then I'm your guy. I absolutely love snuggling with my people! I also enjoy spending time laying around in the sun and taking naps. I love to play, eat and just spend time with my family. I really hope someone will come by soon to meet me!
One last question, what's your favorite thing about NAHS?
I really enjoy how the volunteers here spend time just being with the cats. I get super excited when I see a cat socializer coming in to be with me. They talk softly to me and give me lots of love. I'm just hoping I can find somebody who will love me just as much in their home!
Big thanks to Nugget for being my first interview. I really hope you'll come meet him (and me) soon. In the meantime, enjoy this picture of Nugget lounging in the sun.

Friday, April 3, 2009
They Put Me in a Bee Suit

Hello. My name is Prowler, but you can refer to me as Sir Prowler. Or Prince Prowler. Believe it or not, I have been here at NAHS for 170 days! I finally got bored of all the playing, lounging in the sun and talking about dinner, so I've decided to chronicle my adventures here at NAHS and introduce you to all the wonderful animals, people and events that are part of the organization.
But let's be honest, the real reason I wanted to start this blog was so you would be amazed at my personality and come in to adopt me. Don't worry, I've already made arrangements for someone to carry on in my place once I've found my forever home. Which I'm hoping is soon.
So let me tell you all about myself. I'm two years old and came here as a stray. I'm not going to lie, I'm a big guy. The last time they weighed me, I tipped the scales at 19 1/2 pounds. The girls here noticed I had a big belly, so they made me go to the vet to make sure I was okay. Sure enough, after all sorts of medical goobly-gook the vet just said I was a hefty boy! I could have told them that from the start! Silly girls...
My favorite things to do is eat. I love food! Every morning I sing until they bring me breakfast. After the ordeal at the vet, they started giving me fancy canned food. Boy, do I love it! I get half a can in the morning and then around 3 o'clock I start telling people it's my snack time. Pretty soon, somebody gives in and gives me the other half of a can. I know I may sound spoiled, but I am awfully handsome, so I get away with it.
When I'm not eating, or talking about eating, I like to greet people here in the lobby at NAHS. I also enjoy lounging in the sun and every now and then I'll play with my buddies, Cinder and Butters. I have to be careful not too look too bored, because then the staff here will dress me up. Seriously. Just look at the bumble bee picture. I'm embarrassed to post it, but I'm hoping it will encourage you to come in here and rescue me from any further humiliation.
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